14 Nifty FireFox add-ons for Digg

If you have already tried Top 15 Greasemonkey scripts that we shared with you last week and still haven’t got your fill; then take a look at some of the most nifty FireFox add-ons for Digg.

Let us know if you have come across any other FireFox add-on.

1. Interclue for Firefox

Shows you everything you need to know before you open another tab. The window also displays the current Digg count and allows you to Digg the site.

2. Groowe Search Toolbar

Adds a search bar for many search engines and sites including Digg.

3. Smart Digg Button

Tell you whether the current web page you are viewing has been submitted to Digg, or not. Otherwise, it will display you how many Diggs the page has received.

4. Digg This!

Adds a Digg This! button to the right-click menu, the tools menu and the toolbar.

5. Digg.com Comment Spotlight

Shows comments on articles, allowing you to easily wade through hundreds of comments in an article.

6. Netscape’s Digg Tracker

Helps you keep track of your Digg friends by displaying what they have been submitting, digging and commenting on.

7. DiggThumbs

Adds website screen shot thumbnails to the listings on Digg.

8. Cache View

Displays Google’s Cache, Wayback Machine’s Cache, Coral’s Cache, Tech Guru’s Cache, Dot Cache and more, thus keeping a site viewable even after a crash from the “Digg effect.”

9. Dugged

Adds a dugg-mirror link to websites listed on Digg.

10. Tadsee

Displays a site’s content through cache if it has crashed, similar to Cache View

11. Update Scanner

Monitors web pages for updates. Useful for websites that don’t provide Atom or RSS feeds. Sometimes it allows you to grab and submit new stories or articles before other Digg users.

12. Digg Search Plugin

Firefox plugin that lets you search digg for stories.

13. Bumblesearch

Firefox extension for advanced search with support for Digg, Slashdot, Amazon, etc.

14. Cacheout!

Firefox Extension lets you access articles crashed by digg effect through 3rd party caching services like CoralCDN.


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